Sunday, July 26, 2009


How to beat diabetes naturally - 3rd way

Third and last way how to beat diabetes naturally

This third way is about the clinical proven supplements to help you beat diabetes. We are not at that time when following the advice of one friend or ancient can take us away from drugs side effects and help beating diabetes naturally. Only solid scientific profs back up the claim on how to beat diabetes naturally.

It's true that there are many dietary supplements . But, do you really know if you are receiving the benefits that you expect?

Klick here to find out some guidelines about diabetes and supplements, how to choose the right one.


How to beat diabetes naturally - 3rd way

Third and last way how to beat diabetes naturally

This third way is about the clinical proven supplements to help you beat diabetes. We are not at that time when following the advice of one friend or ancient can take us away from drugs side effects and help beating diabetes naturally. Only solid scientific profs back up the claim on how to beat diabetes naturally.

It's true that there are many dietary supplements . But, do you really know if you are receiving the benefits that you expect?

Klick here to find out some guidelines about diabetes and supplements, how to choose the right one.


How to beat diabetes naturally - 2nd way

Second way how to beat diabetes naturally

Dietary Strategy

Choosing the best diabetes diet as part of your dietary strategy, and right food to eat, can help yourself lower diabetes risk and improve blood-sugar control.

Watch your diet and food.

There are some foods to avoid and some other to limit while you are diabetic. You should care about the food you take, and how they affect your diabetes. You can try to diabetes foods that lower sugar blood levels, and help you beat diabetes naturally.

Maintain a diet which contains more raw vegetables, more than 5 fruits a day and plenty water to drink. Very recommended seems to add more soluble fiber food such as: breads, cereal and starchy vegetables, in your diet, because fibers help moving food out the intestinal track in order not to stay there and putrefy.

On the other part, fiber contains chromium which is very important to control blood-sugar levels in diabetics.

Also, very beneficial are butter milk and yogurt in your diet. It is advised the in taken of lowering diabetes foods such as: onion, garlic, cucumber, lettuce, string beans, carrot, leaves, tomato, spinach and colorful vegetables.